D3 – Sekretari

Program Studi Sekretari Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis berkomitmen tinggi menghasilkan sekretaris modern yang cerdas dan berbudi luhur (strong personality), terampil menyelesaikan tugas ganda (multi-tasking), berbudaya teknologi informasi & komunikasi (ICT) untuk memenangkan kompetisi dunia kerja.\


Kurikulum berbasis kompetensi dirancang sesuai dengan tuntutan dunia kerja sekretaris modern, di antaranya Kesekretarisan & personality development, PaperWork/ Administrasi, Teknologi Informasi, Bahasa Indonesia & Bahasa Asing, Ekonomi & Bisnis serta Etika & Moral.

Perkuliahan (teori & praktek) dikemas dalam waktu 2,5 tahun (5 semester). Pada semester 6 mahasiswa mengikuti program magang dan siap memasuki dunia kerja. Setiap mahasiswa berkesempatan meraih gelar sarjana dengan paket lanjutan kuliah (Fak. Ekonomi/Fak. Ilmu Komunikasi) yang dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu 2 tahun.

Dalam waktu tidak lebih dari 5 (lima) tahun, Anda telah memperoleh gelar Ahli Madya Sekretaris, pekerjaan yang layak & gelar Sarjana.


Ruang Kuliah dilengkapi AC, LCD Projector, Komputer multimedia yang terkoneksi ke internet sehingga materi disajikan secara lebih menarik & bervariasi. Desain kelas dirancang dengan bentuk U-shape dengan kapasitas maksimal 30 mahasiswa per kelas untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar yang difokuskan kepada mahasiswa (student-centered learning).


  • Laboratorium Komputer yang terkoneksi ke internet
  • Laboratorium Bahasa dilengkapi perangkat multimedia
  • Laboratorium Perkantoran sebagai model kantor bisnis modern berbasis e-office yang mendukung kegiatan virtual meeting dan otomasi perkantoran lainnya
  • Laboratorium mengetik elektrik & manual


Koleksi perpustakaan meliputi buku penunjang kuliah, buku pengembangan diri & kesekretarisan, jurnal ilmiah, bacaan remaja, serta koran dan majalah wanita untuk menambah wawasan seluruh sivitas akademika. Perpustakaan juga dilengkapi free internet corner sehingga akses informasi dapat dilakukan setiap saat.

Fasilitas Penunjang

Fasilitas penunjang lainnya seperti student lounge, Wi-Fi area (HotSpot), Akses Sistem Informasi Akademik Mahasiswa (intranet), layanan bus kampus, kafetaria, gedung pertemuan, area olahraga indoor/outdoor. Selain perkuliahan, mahasiswa dibekali pengetahuan tambahan melalui seminar bersertifikat per semester, pelatihan Table Manner, Beauty Class dan kegiatan-kegiatan ekstrakurikuler lainnya seperti olahraga, seni, budaya dan bahasa. Tersedia beasiswa bagi mahasiswa berprestasi akademik/non-akademik serta bagi mahasiswa kurang mampu secara finansial.

Prospek Kerja

Berbekal pengetahuan dan kompetensi di bidang kesekretarisan, ekonomi/bisnis, bahasa, dan ICT (Information Communication Technology), maka lulusan Akademi Sekretari Budi Luhur siap memenangkan persaingan dunia kerja.



Secretary Study Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business is highly committed to prepare the future talent of smart and noble valued secretaries who are, able to complete multiple tasks, information and communication technology cultured to win the competition of today’s work industries.


Competency-based curriculum is designed to fit the demands of the modern secretarial work life, including the secretarial and personality development, paperwork / Administration, Information Technology, Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) & Foreign Languages, Economics & Business and Ethics & Moral.

Tuition (theory & practice) packed in 2 ½ years (5 semesters). In the 6th semester, students take the internship program and get ready to enter the work industry. Each student has the opportunity to further achieve an undergraduate degree through an advanced tuition package (Faculty of Economics / Faculty of Communications) which can be accomplished within 2 years.

Within not more than 5 (five) years, students at Budi Luhur Secretary Academy will have acquired a degree as an Associate Expert (Ahli Madya / A.Md) , a decent job and an undergraduate degree.


The classrooms are equipped with air conditioning, LCD projectors, multimedia computers which are connected to the internet so the materials are presented in more interesting and various ways. Class layout is designed in a U-shape form with a maximum capacity of 30 students per class to support learning activities that are focused on students (student-centered learning).


  • Computer Laboratory which is connected to the internet network.
  • Language Laboratory which is equipped with multimedia devices.
  • Office Laboratory  as an e-office-based modern business office model that supports virtual meetings and other office automation
  • Electronic & manual typing Laboratory


Library collections include supporting lecture books, self-development and secretarial books, scientific journals, teenagers reading, newspapers and women’s magazines to broaden the entire academic community. Library also features free internet corner so any information can be accessed any time.

Supporting Facility

Other supporting facilities are student lounges, Wi-Fi area (HotSpot), Student Academic Information Systems (intranet) access, campus bus service, cafeteria, conference hall and indoor / outdoor sports area. Besides lectures, students are equipped with extra knowledge through per semester certified  seminars, Table Manner training, Beauty Class and other extracurricular activities such as sports, arts, cultures and languages. There are scholarships for outstanding students academic or non-academic and for the economically weak students.

Prospective Carrier

Being well educated with knowledge and competence in secretarial, economics / business, language , and ICT (Information Communication Technology) areas, the graduates of Budi Luhur Academy Secretary are ready to compete in the working industry.