Faculty of CommunicationFakultas Ilmu Komunikasi

To be an excellent study program in developing communication science and capable to compete in global market with communications and informatics technology-based communication knowledge as well as interpersonal and noble character.


  1. Creating a communication bachelor (S.Ikom) is Communication study program that is capable to be absorbed by the Indonesias industry.
  2. Creating a communication science bachelor in the study program communication who  skillfully communicates well in the interpersonal and communication media and informatics basis.
  3. Creating communication bachelor who is capable to developing his knowledge and actively take role in the society.


Communication Science Study Program, Communication Faculty of Budi Luhur University is designed to produce excellent communication talents, be capable to communicate in interpersonal or communication media  and informatics where the special skills are in Broadcast Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising and Visual Communication. The students also have and understand the code of professional ethics.

Budi Luhur faculty of communication has packed its vision and mission and the goals into a tagline that can be easily remembered and implemented by all the academic civitas, it is: “A Place for Quality”.

Study Programs

Public Relations

Public Relations is about building and maintaining image, reputation of  company, individuality and products.

Broadcast Journalism

Broadcast Journalism is streaming television and radio journalistic.

Visual Communication Design

Visual Communication Design concentrates on theoretical knowledge about design, visual concept, illustration and visual techniques.


Advertising introduces the definition, understanding and application of above-the-line and below-the-line concepts, strategies and management of advertising.

Prospective Career
Public Relations
1.   PR Practitioner
2.   PR Consultant
3.   Event Organizer Expertise
4.   PR Marketing
5.   Public Speaker

Broadcast Jounalism
1.   TV and Radio Reporter
2.   TV Presenter
3.   TV and Radio Editor
4.   TV and Radio Producer
5.   TV  cameraman

1.   Advertising Practitioner
2.   Copy Writer
3.   Advertising Designer
4.   Advertising Trendsetter

Visual Communication

  1. In house designer
  2. Illustrator
  3. Industry Designer
  4. Advertising
  5.  Product Designer

Menjadi program  Studi unggul dalam mengembangkan Ilmu Komunikasi dan mampu bersaing di pasar global dengan berpengetahuan komunikasi berbasis teknologi komunikasi dan informatika maupun interpersonal serta dilandasi budi pekerti luhur

1.   Menghasilkan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi (S.Ikom) Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi yang mampu diserap industri di Indonesia
2.   Menjadikan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi yang terampil berkomunikasi baik interpersonal maupun berbasis media komunikasi dan informatika
3.   Menghasilkan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi yang mampu mengembangkan ilmunya dan berperan aktif di masyarakat.

Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi (FIKOM) Universitas  Budi Luhur dirancang untuk menghasilkan tenaga komunikasi yang baik, terampil berkomunikasi secara interpersonal maupun dengan menggunakan media komunikasi dan informatika dimana keahlian yang merupakan spesialisasinya adalah dalam bidang Jurnalistik Penyiaran (Broadcast Journalism), Hubungan  Masyarakat (Public Relations), Periklanan (Advertising) dan Komunikasi Visual (Visual Communication) serta memiliki dan memahami kode etik profesi. Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi (FIKOM)  Universitas Budi Luhur mencoba untuk mengemas visi, misi dan tujuan ini di dalam sebuah motto yang diharapkan mudah diingat dan diimplementasikan oleh seluruh sivitas akademika yaitu: “A Place for Quality “

Prospek Lulusan
Hubungan Masyarakat (Public Relations)
1.   Praktisi PR
2.   Konsultan PR
3.   Event Organiser
4.   Marketing PR
5.   Pembaca Acara (MC), dll

Jurnalistik Penyiaran (Broadcast Jounalism)
1.   Reporter TV dan Radio
2.   Presenter TV
3.   Editor TV dan Radio
4.   Produser TV dan Radio
5.   Cameraman TV , dll

Periklanan (Advertising)
1.   Praktisi Periklanan
2.   Copy Writter
3.   Advertising Designer
4.   Advertising Trendsetter

Komunikasi Visual (Visual Communication)
1.   Designer pada industri
2.   Advertising
3.   Event Organizer
4.   Product Designer, dll
